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Domint Int'l Christian Centre for Pneumapreneurship

"Equipping Believers For Profitable and Purposeful Living"

The Fusion of Biblical and proven Entrepreneurial Principles


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How we serve you

Pneumapreneurial Leaders' Hub

The mission of the Pneumapreneurial Leaders Hub is to create an atmosphere where leaders can attain the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Business and Ministry Consulting

  • We take individuals through the discovering, starting, growing and establishment of business or ministrys, ministry or career

Assessment and Coaching

We conduct assessments for ministries and churches to discover areas of improvement in order to help them actualise their God-given mandate

Youth Empowerment

  • We understand that each young adult is unique in their own way so we train them to see themselves as such and never to compare themselves with others

Women Empowerment

We take women through teachings, counselling, mentoring and encouragement sessions that will help them develop boldness and bravery to become true helpers that God has designed them to be.

Business and Ministry Consulting

  • We take individuals through the discovering, starting, growing and establishment of business or ministrys, ministry or career

Assessment and Coaching

We conduct assessments for ministries and churches to discover areas of improvement in order to help them actualise their God-given mandate


Domint Institute for Pneumapreneurship Studies (DIPS)

Domint Institute for Pneumapreneurship Studies is set up to provide sound biblical and entrepreneurship training aimed at helping believers to identify and build their God-given talents through which they can start and grow a business, career, ministry or function that exists for the common good.

Domint Centre exists for the building up of the body of Christ and for believers’ dominion on earth in their various endeavours.  

Domint Institute for Pneumapreneurship Studies fully caters for the training needs of believers. It is a Christian business school set up to train Christian entrepreneurs (Pneumapreneurs) and ministers of the gospel. The main target is to raise up people who will profit the kingdom of God in all their areas of endeavours.

Our Courses

There are 3 categories of certificates that are awarded by the institute

  • Foundation Certificate in Pneumapreneurship studies (FCPS)

  • Leadership and Management Certificate in Pneumapreneurship studies (LMCP)

  • Advanced Leadership Certificate in Pneumapreneurship (ALCP)


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The Brave Woman

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“I'll rather build minds than houses.”

Oludotun Ologunebi

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